How to properly grow, through sport

There are a lot of article on the net that gives us all kinds of tips for how to lose weight!
But there is little information to know how to grow, but more importantly how swell properly!
Indeed, if you are too skinny and want to gain a few pounds, take 5 pounds of fat does not make you more harmonious ...
So I give you a few tips on how to grow properly, particularly through sport!
How to grow: Tip # 1: Eat more!
The body works relatively simply. If you assimilate more calories each day than your body needs, you will get fat!Many person who is too thin often say eat a lot and do not understand why they do not grow, but when we made a meal with them, one quickly understands why they are so skinny!After three favorite spoon, they generally rely fork exclaiming "OMG I ate too much" ...
What they do not know is that it was simply the entry.
Joking aside, it is obvious that if you tend to be very thin, you will necessarily increase your fat ratios for hope!
There are three types of morphologies : 
If you have a lot of trouble to grow, you are definitely an ectomorph, ie you type very fast metabolism with members often very fine and little muscle mass!

How fat? Here's what counseling to nutritional level to optimize your weight:
  • Increase your rations as and to increase the size of your stomach and your appetite. Needless to stuff yourself to vomit at the beginning! 
  • It is essential that eating is associated with a good time! Therefore prefer the foods you love.
  • Avoid eating too much fat, choose a higher carbohydrate intake rather than fat intake!
    Increase your dose of pasta, rice, bread, potatoes
  • Do not forget the protein! The ectomorph usually have a very lean muscle mass, eat enough protein you will grow muscularly to keep a beautiful silhouette!
  • Do not skip meals! If you're struggling to grow, avoid at all costs skipping meals, especially not breakfast! Breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner should not be missed at any cost.
    Also try to make regular time so that the body is not too disturbed.
  • If you have trouble eating at breakfast, focus on liquids that often go much better, like yogurt, orange juice, smoothies, gainers ...
Attention in order to grow properly, avoid eating everything and anything! You eat Big Macs and Kebab you will basically take fat and give you a deformed body, as ectomorph generally do not develop uniformly but a small can not very elegant ...

Opt for healthy foods: lean protein sources (fish, eggs, lean red meats, tuna, ...), starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, semolina, ..) and good fats (olive oil, avocado, almonds, walnuts, fatty fish, ...).
Avoid products with bad fats and sugars, you will grow no matter how ...

How to grow: Tip # 2: Get active!
In order to grow, i council you to make a physical activity, but not just any !
 Avoid the sports too cardio as the foot race for example, they will will burn all the calories that you swallow hard and do develop almost not your muscle mass!

Rather prefer sports like bodybuilding or Fitness!
I see you already come and say "olala I do not want to be too muscular." Do not worry, if you are an ectomorph, you have time to see it coming before too muscular! 

But here's the first goal of fitness / bodybuilding / muscle building:
These two people have a relatively similar fat, but one of the two practice muscle building / fitness / weight training to sculpt your goal!

If you do not like all sports, head to the group classes as Mills body attack with example!
It helps develop muscle mass and cardio work in a very playful! You can even cause some friend (s) with you to be sure to have a good time.

How to grow: Tip # 3: Food supplements!

If you really struggle to grow, food supplements can become great allies!
And I think especially two very specific dietary supplements:

  • Firstly the gainer biensur you will increase your number of daily calories.
    Indeed, a dose gainer can bring you between 700 and 1300 calories depending on the gainer. In addition, the carbohydrate / protein ratio / lipid will respect, which grow properly!
  • Then a second supplement that you can be a great help: fenugreek!
    This plant simply allows you to stimulate your appetite, help you easily grow!

Here are my tips tips for how to grow properly and effectively combines sport, food and dietary supplement.
The last advice I can give you is do not be too hasty if you want to take a correct weight.

Set yourself a target of 500g per month seems like a good goal, allowing you to take 6kg in one year. You could take 6kg in one month but this apparenterai to the booster and you take 5.5 kg of fat on 6kg, and it is not the goal!

I do wish you a good appetite, good training and a good weight gain : )

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